 : 020 360 22728

Porcelain fused to metal

AAA DENTALAB provides a wide range of metal alloys

Porcelain bonded crown to Non Precious (PFM)

Advantages of porcelain fused to metal crowns

It is a durable material that can be used for the full metal inlays (PRIVATE ONLY), onlays (PRIVATE ONLY), crowns and bridges. It can also be used for denture frames.


Porcelain bonded crown to Semi Precious

Palladium is of high quality and silver in appearance. This alloy is especially designed as a cheaper alternative to precious alloys.

Porcelain bonded crown to Precious

AAA Dentalab uses precious alloys up to 90%. Please ask for more details.

Yellow gold

pfm pfm pfm


Your dentist may rely on the esthetics and strength of Captek™ crowns & bridges to replace a decayed tooth. Thanks to this material's natural vitality and highly biocompatible yellow gold alloy composition, Captek restorations offer an esthetic alternative to full-cast gold crowns.

Made from 88 percent high-noble yellow gold, the warm appearance of Captek prevents the appearance of dark lines commonly associated with other dental restorations. Instead, you'll barely be able to distinguish your new crown or bridge from your real teeth!

In addition to providing lifelike esthetics, Captek crowns & bridges are a healthy investment. According to the Harvard Research Institute, Captek exhibits less bacteria accumulation on its surface than natural teeth. It is also corrosion resistant, which ensures you of a long-lasting solution that not only looks beautiful but also withstands the test of time.

